Tuesday, 28 November 2017

背包自游人 - 一路向北 Day 8 Vangvieng 19/9/2017

背包自游人 - 一路向北 Day 8 Vangvieng 

今天将是我在Vang Vieng 或整个旅程行程最满的一天,这个地方有太多美丽的大自然去处了,而且都是需要一段不远的距离才能达到,所以我们决定租了一辆电单车探险!

这菲利宾小家伙Jedediah 不会骑电单车,所以今天我是司机,她是摄影师和导航器。我们住的酒店有不错吃的早餐,这里每人有一份蛋包,煎蛋或炒饭可以选择,另外还有沙拉,Bougute 面包可以配搭。还有咖啡和茶或开水可以自行取拿。除了这些如果你要其他的也有提供(另付费)。

电单车出租大概是80-100,000Kips, 旅馆给了我们特价50,000Kips (其实他们看到游客都会尽量要求更高的价钱,我们前晚在市区问了一问另一家的价钱,所以知道不需要这么贵)。 我们吃了早餐后就开始出发,打了汽油就开始探险了! (大概10,000Kips 的汽油最已经足够你走一整天了)。这里一个必到的地方就是到Blue Lagoon 跳水!前晚在商店遇到的那位中国伙伴约好了要一起去跳水,所以我们邀了他和店里的另一个本地华侨女员工一起通行。他们开车我们骑电单车就出发了。

Nam Song 吊桥

前往这个Lagoon 的路需要经过吊桥,电单车需要 10000 Kips,真如我们查过的资料,这一路不是泊油路,有几段是红泥路,更有几段是石头路,所以准备刺激和臀痛咯!这一路的景色太美了,沿着路两岸都是稻田,四周都都是岩石山,空气特别好,我们都忍不住停了好几回都是为了拍照!

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon 1 的景色
车子那两伙伴伙伴先前网Lagoon去了,我们约好下哪里见面。我们一路享受大自然,一路在按摩臀部。我们跟着牌一直走,走了好远终于来到了Blue Lagoon,这里很多地方的入门票都是10000Kips的,给了入门票我们兴奋的赶紧把电单车泊了,可是这是我们感觉有点不对劲,这里没有跳水,也看不到那两个伙伴的车,我们问了售票员才发觉我们去错了地方!😅 半路开始就没有很好的网络,所以我的“导航器”也失灵了,原来我们在之前很远的路口已经走错了,所以我建议大家可以下载一个无线导航功能“MapsMe” App,它不用网络也可以导航。我查了我的App,原来我们离那交叉路口5公里!结果我们多浪费了10000Kips入门票(每人)来体会多10公里的臀部按摩!
回到了那个交叉路口才发觉其实这里有三个 Blue Lagoon, 1、2 和 3,所以记得看好路牌或导航才前行。1 是最佳的,有的跳水,有得登山洞。2,我们乌龙去的,很普通,除非你很多时间想要自己享受整个Lagoon和多10公里臀部按摩那可以去去。😂

如果你也跟我一样拍到这张照片代表你也和我一样做错路了,这是 Lagoon 2 的进口
我们差不多要到 Lagoon 1 的时候那伙伴正往回程了,他们需要回去开店营业,所以没法在和我们继续玩了。按摩可以打开胃口,我们到了Lagoon就享受一个午餐,这里食物比市区贵一点,大概每份30000Kips,谁也比较贵(游客区都是这样)。

在 Blue Lagoon 跳水是这里的最巅峰玩意儿
跳水是这里的最巅峰玩意儿,Jed 不会游泳可是他有胆量去尝试(我欣赏这样的人,很多时候只要你肯踏出你的第一步,你就超越了自己,那你就会不断的跨越自己的极限不断进步)。他租了安全夹克,就去跳了,他先从简单的开始,然后才往高处。西方人很爱刺激,挑战极限,一来就往最高处挑战。Rapheal 没有很大问题就跳了,Masion 就用了很长的时间,最后在所有人的鼓励下,终于敢跳了。一向爱大自然的我没有感觉很大挑战,可是充满享受,跳进水的时候就好像整个人往大自然里钻进去!Jed也跟着鼓起勇气从最高处跳下水。其实那整个过程只有大概一秒钟而已,那一秒钟仿佛一切停止,然后再回到正常。
在 Blue Lagoon 跳水是这里的最巅峰玩意儿

这是 Blue Lagoon 的 Tarzan Swing
***有人会担心怕掉下去会撞到石头,这个就免担心了,Lagoon 这个地点很深四周也有足够空间。在别的地方就不敢担保,所以要跳就来这里。

Tham Phu Kam Cave


前往Tham Phu Kam 洞口需要爬上这个很斜可是难度没有很高的山


Kaeng Nyui Waterfall

我们决定又一起前往瀑布,瀑布是在Vang Vieng的另一个方向,这个瀑布只在雨季(June-Sept)的时候有大量的水量。小胡告诉我们前两星期他去的时候水量不大。可是这几天有下雨,所以我们决定砰砰运气。去瀑布的路有和大部分是石头或红泥路,所以我们又有45分钟的大自然臀部按摩,一路还有美景,这种按摩真的不是哪里都可以找到!

Kaeng Nyui Waterfall 瀑布


今天换个西洋口味 Spanish Ommelete 


***除了这些其实Vang Vieng 还有一些好玩的地方: Kayaking Tubing Tham Chang 热气球看 VangVieng 爬山

今天学到的越南话(跟旅店的小妹妹负责人学的)Vietnamese Xin Chao - hello Cam On - thank you



Monday, 27 November 2017

Top things to do in South of Penang Island

Top things to do in South of Penang Island

1. Sam Poh Footprint Temple  

Near the southeastern tip of Penang, you will find the Sam Poh Footprint Temple, dedicated to a giant footprint set in stone whose origins remain mysterious. Chinese locals believe the footprint belongs to Captain Zheng He (whose local name is Sam Poh), a legendary fifteenth-century explorer whose fleet of ships sailed far and wide across the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.
Penang Indians, on the other hand, believe it was Hanuman, the Hindu monkey deity, who made the footprint when leaping over the Indian Ocean to save King Rama’s queen, Sita, as described in the Ramayana. Yet another story of the footprint is told by local Malays, who attribute the footprint to the terrible giant Gedembai, who once lived on the island hundreds of years ago. The temple itself may be unassuming, but the rich folklore surrounding its origins make this a special place to explore.

Venue name:       Sam Poh Temple

Address:             Jalan Batu Maung

Located near the southwestern point of Penang island, Gertak Sanggul feels like a world away from the bustling northern coastline of George Town and Batu Ferringhi. You can experience life at a slower pace at this sleepy coastal kampung, watching from the white sand beach as fishermen pull up to the rickety piers with their daily catches ready to be sold to nearby roadside restaurants, and local residents rest peacefully on the beach enjoying the sounds of the waves breaking against the shore. The peaceful atmosphere and the clean air coming down from the rugged hills just beyond the village make this a great spot for a picnic at nearly any time of the day.

Venue name:     Gertak Sanggul 

Location:           Gertak Sanggul, Penang

3. Hammer Bay Ikan Bakar, Teluk Tempoyak 

Enjoy a great view of the fishing boats parked near the shoreline while digging into the restaurant's signature dish, ikon bakar.
Situated on a little slice of coastline behind two giant condominiums in Bayan Lepas, Hammer Bay Restaurant is easy to miss if you’re not looking for it. However, it is hard not to notice the incredible smells of fried garlic and ginger wafting up with the ocean breeze towards the nearby street every evening. Here, you can enjoy a great view of the fishing boats parked near the shoreline while digging into the restaurant’s signature dish, ikan bakar: fish barbequed in a banana leaf, garnished with fresh herbs and lemon. This alfresco dining spot gets packed with locals during dinnertime, and it’s easy to see why – with glowing lights hung in the trees and around the tables, and Malay movies playing on a projector, the atmosphere is always cheerful.

Venue name:        Hammer Bay Ikan Bakar 

Opening Hours:   5pm onward 

Location:              Jalan Batu Maung, Bayan Lepas

4. Penang War Museum 

Penang War Museum is located at Batu Maung Hill, south east of Penang Island. It was built in the 1930's by the British to protect the island from the invasion of enemies. This 20 acres site is located on a hill and you will be able to see the Straits of Melaka as well as the surrounding areas from here. The construction of this fortress was done by The British Royal Engineers and local labourers. 
This complicated fort has all the features of a typical defence facilities with underground military tunnels and ammunition bunkers. The ammunition storage is located 9 metres underground with thick stonewall to enable it to withstand enemy's fire.
Canon firing bays, cook houses, well, logistic centre, hall, offices, sleeping quarters and medical infirmary are also preserved for your journey of discovery here. There are even underground tunnels that go all the way to the Straits of Melaka for access to submarines.

Venue name:             Penang War Museum 

Opening Hours:        9am - 9pm 
                                   (Everyday except holiday might be have different operating hour)

Location:                   Jalan Batu Maung, Bayan Lepas 

Entrance Fee:           RM15/adult & RM7.50/children (Malaysian & PR)
                                   RM30/adult & RM15/children (Visitor)

Note: Child is defined as children between 5 to 12 years old.

5. Hai Boey Restuarant 

Located in the rural fishing village of Teluk Kumbar on Penang’s pristine south-central coastline, Khun Thai (or Simply Thai) Restaurant is one of the island’s hidden gems. Here, you can enjoy a wide array of Thai specialties right on the white sand beach with views of the sea. The open-air restaurant offers several different varieties of fresh seafood which are proudly displayed in large tanks; when ready to order, you can just point to which fish you’d like and specify how you’d like it prepared. Besides seafood, Khun Thai is also known for its fragrant, tenderly cooked pandan chicken, their perfectly spiced tom yam as well as their claypot glass noodles. 

Venue name:             Hai Boey Restuarant 

Opening Hours:        11am - 12am 

Address:                   1052 Pasir Belanda, Jalan Kampung Gemuruh, Bayan Lepas

6. Khun Thai Restuarant 

Located in the rural fishing village of Teluk Kumbar on Penang’s pristine south-central coastline, Khun Thai (or Simply Thai) Restaurant is one of the island’s hidden gems. Here, you can enjoy a wide array of Thai specialties right on the white sand beach with views of the sea. The open-air restaurant offers several different varieties of fresh seafood which are proudly displayed in large tanks; when ready to order, you can just point to which fish you’d like and specify how you’d like it prepared. Besides seafood, Khun Thai is also known for its fragrant, tenderly cooked pandan chicken, their perfectly spiced tom yam as well as their claypot glass noodles.

Venue name:             Khun Thai Restuarant 

Opening Hours:        11am - 12am 

Address:                   1052 Pasir Belanda, Jalan Kampung Gemuruh, Bayan Lepas

7. Queensway Mall

Queensbay Mall is the largest shopping centre in Penang. Minutes away from the Penang Bridge, it is a waterfront complex in Bayan Lepas near the airport. The mall is home to mid-level restaurants, branded clothing stores, electronics shops and even a large Golden Screen Cinemas complex. Spanning 73 acres, the 2.5 million-sqft complex sports the tagline ‘It’s all happening here!’ and indeed it is one of the island’s most popular shopping centres. Opened in 2006, it is one of the country’s largest malls and is similar to Gurney Plaza, although this retail complex is newer and there are more stores.

Opening Hours: 10:30 – 22:30 

Location: Next to Eastin Hotel 

Address: 100 Persiaran Bayan Indah, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang.

8. Vino Vino Bar and Restuarant 

Swing by Vino Vino for exceptional wine promotions and a huge variety of tasty fare cooked up by experiences chefs.
With its classy dimly lit interiors, its exceptional wine promotions and its attentive wait staff, Vino Vino Wine Bar in Bayan Lepas is one of the south island’s most exceptional fine dining establishments. The restaurant offers a huge variety of tasty fare cooked up by experienced chefs – who you can watch working behind a clear glass window separating the dining room from the kitchen – including daily selections of fresh sashimi, perfectly rolled sushi and piping hot bowls of soba noodle soup. Vino Vino specialises in yakitori, perfectly seasoned meats and vegetables delicately grilled on bamboo skewers over a charcoal grill. Their grilled chicken wings, pork-wrapped asparagus as well as the tenderly cooked lamb will keep you coming back for more. 

Venue name:             Vino Vino Bar and Restuarant 

Opening Hours:        Mon - Thu 12pm - 12am; 
                                   Fri - Sat 12pm - 1am; 
                                   Sun 4pm - 12am 

Address:                   H-10-1 Bay Avenue, Lorong Bayan Indah 2, Bayan Lepas

9. Super Tanker Hawker Food Court

Super Tanker Hawker Food Court in Sungai Nibong offers locals and visitors of Penang a refreshing change of scenery from the island’s famous hawker food courts in the north. Its milieu reflects its lesser-known status: The pace here is laidback, as food sellers take a bit more time perfecting the pork garnishes on a plate of fried noodles or a dash of shallots on a rich bowl of laksa. The food itself is just as phenomenal as other stalls around the island, and cheaper by a ringgit or two. Specialties include the chee cheong fun, the lam mee and the stellar Aki Pancake: a crispy cake-like pancake filled with sweet or savory flavorings, including coconut, chocolate, cheese or egg.

Venue name:             Super Tanker Hawker Food Court

Address:                   Lengkok Nipah 2, 11600 Penang

10. Penang Snake Temple

Penang’s Snake Temple in Bayan Lepas is rich with local folklore. The temple was built in 1850 in honor of a venerated Buddhist monk and healer known as Chor Soo Kong, recognised for his supernatural ability to bring rain to the various places he wandered, saving one city from a terrible drought. Legend has it that soon after the temple was erected, pit vipers began to take shelter in its various nooks and crannies.
The temple’s founder, also a Buddhist monk, permitted them to stay. Nowadays, it is believed that the fragrant smells of incense burning around the temple renders the snakes harmless; don’t worry – the freely roaming pit vipers have had their venom removed just in case. Combined with the continually burning incense, the snakes, coiled in corners and around small trees set up within the premises, lend a devotional feel to this unique temple. 

Venue name:             Penang Snake Temple

Opening Hours:          Daily, 6am-7pm

Address:                   Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 11600, Penang

11. Tuanku Fauziah Museum and Art Gallery

Located in a beautiful, centuries-old colonial mansion at the top of a hill on Universiti Sains Malaysia’s campus, the Tuanku Fauziah Museum and Gallery is one of the earliest university museums in Malaysia, and one of the most impressive collections of art and science in Penang. The gallery houses works from several of Malaysia’s great artists, including Latiff Mohidin and Chuah Thean Te
ng, as well as newer artists beginning to make waves in Malaysia’s creative scene, such as Sabri Idrus. Besides taking in the great artworks, you can explore the museum’s interactive exhibitions and programmes or its extensive collection of Islamic artefacts. Many of the temporary exhibitions, which feature works from artists all over the Asean region, are free to the public. 

Venue name:             Tuanku Fauziah Museum and Art Gallery

Opening Hours:        Daily, 9.30am-4.30pm; closed on first Sat of the month

Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11900 Gelugor

12. Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge 

Opened in early 2014, this chic lounge opened its doors 11 days before the new year kicks in. Perfect time, we think, to see to any teething problems before joining in the New Year’s celebrations. Tucked in an unlikely neighbourhood and within an unassuming building at Pekaka Square in Sungai Dua, Talk Talk is really a surprise find. A good one, at that!

The word ‘rustic’ may pop in one’s mind after a glance at its exterior of raw wooden planks but a closer look at its interior will reveal a most deliberate and clever design that gives off a trendy, cool and youthful ambience.

To begin with, half of its cavernous space within had been split into two floors, lowering the ceiling significantly for both levels. Yet, the claustrophobic feeling when a space is condensed is curiously absent. Raw cement and brick walls, exposed wooden beams and industrial-like pipes make up most of its interior design but the terracotta-coloured tiles on the floor lend warmth to the overall effect.

On the upper floor, there are pockets of spaces dotted with comfy couches for lengthy tete-a-tete or robust conversations with larger groups. While the ground floor houses tables, chairs and bar stools for either a casual get together or a meal of their reasonably priced Thai fare from RM8.90++.

Adjacent to Talk Talk is their eatery called Tok Tok that echo similar interior style and offers a simple menu of Thai food and a few cakes. On weekdays, their kitchen closes between lunch and dinner hours but is open throughout on weekends.

Venue name:             Talk Talk Wine Bar & Lounge 

Opening Hours:        Daily, 11am-2am

Address:                    2-G-3 & 2-G-4, Pekaka Square, Bangunan Lip Sin, Lebuh Pekaka 1, 11900 Gelugor       

13.Stepping Stone Center 

A small arts and crafts workshop and store employing Penangites living disabilities who may not be able to find adequate employment elsewhere.
Stepping Stone Centre, a subsidiary of the non-profit organization Asia Community Service, is a small arts and crafts workshop and store employing Penangites living with disabilities who may not be able to find adequate employment elsewhere. All of the store’s items have been hand-crafted by these employees, including clothing, soaps, baked goods, pottery and printed batik. Proceeds go directly towards these in-need members of the community, making this a great place to pick up souvenirs or gifts. If you are looking for a more in-depth experience, Stepping Stone is always on the lookout for volunteers to help lend a hand and provide support. 
Venue name:             Stepping Stone Center

Address:                    53 Jalan Baru MK1, Pulau Betong, Bayan Lepas

Other than the south area, if you want to explore the whole penang in short time, here are a few guides for you: 

Best of Penang in Two Days according to Timothy Tye

What to do in Penang in 2 days by Huynh Tung

How to Spend Two Days in George Town, Penang by Melissa Langley

Malaysia Penang Itinerary 3 Days 2 Nights + Downloadable Itinerary PDF by Joanne Low

If you want to know more about other details which is not stated or get some advices on your own internary, you may also contact me at whatsapp +012-497 9978 

or facebook/davidjglim 

or wechat:


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